
7 Mistakes, More than 90% of Gas Cylinder Suppliers are still Making

RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) is considered a part of AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) technology. Basically, it is a wireless system that is used in tracking animate as well as inanimate objects via RFID tags. These tags contain electronically stored information about the object that is being tracked. To decode the information present in the tags, we use RFID readers.

RFID has been considered as a revolutionizing technology by many experts. Over the years, it has transformed numerous business applications. We are witnessing a new dawn of the age of cylinder logistics solutions. Cylinder tracking has always been a major concern for suppliers, and RFID technology is their only hope.

Have you lost productivity due to cylinder identification issues? If your answer is yes, then you should definitely continue reading this article. Nowadays, customers rely on industrial gas cylinder industry that utilizes RFID technology. RFID-based cylinder tracking systems provide effective and efficient cylinder tracking solutions. But the irony is that more than 90% of cylinder suppliers still rely on traditional management systems. If you are one of them then here are the seven mistakes you are still making:

Too much of manual labor and expenditure

Suppliers who are not using RFID technology for cylinder management rely on traditional management systems. As a result, management process becomes labor-intensive and demands a lot of capital to be invested in human labor.

Lack of Efficiency

Traditional management system offers inefficient inventory management. This poses a problem for suppliers as well as the consumers. RFID-based cylinder tracking system provides effective inventory management solutions.

Use of Barcodes

To save their money, many suppliers use barcodes to track the cylinders. This may seem like a cost-effective solution for management, but it is not. Barcode labels are fragile, highly sensitive towards dirt, and requires human labor to attach labels to every cylinder. Finally, it’s time to get rid of barcodes and adopt a better technology known as RFID. TRAKAID CyTRACK solution (RFID-based cylinder tracking system) provides cost-effective and efficient way to manage your inventory.

barcodeBarcodes Technology is Very Expensive

For people who are dedicated disciples of barcoding technology and are in no mood to change it for the better, one should be aware that barcoding tracking system requires complicated printers. Purchasing and maintaining these printers are far more costly affairs.

Inadequacy in Maintaining Records

At present, we are not dealing with the customer who is unaware but a far more smarter one. Customers expect reliable records for cylinders such as the exact date of refilling, dispatch, etc. With RFID, it becomes easy to give the customers what they want.

Losing that One Percent

As per the studies, suppliers lose about one percent of total cylinders due to inventory mismanagement. It has become a necessity to maintain complex records effectively to prevent such mishaps. RFID-based cylinder tracking solutions can put an end to all your mismanagement problems.

Falling for Rumors

There have always been many rumors regarding the RFID technology. Some may be true, but some are baseless. The most prominent of all rumors related to RFID is that it has a lot of maintenance cost. Now the scenario has changed. With continuous improvements in this technology. RFID tags have become a lot cheaper.

Are you one of those who are still making these seven mistakes or are you facing some other problems while supplying cylinders?

If you have any other suggestions, please mention in the comment section.


RFID: A Solution to Toll Collection

RFID technology has been adopted by numerous industries for specific applications. It provides accurate tracking of objects using the radio waves. RFID tags that contain stored information are attached to specific objects. On the basis of the power source, these tags can be classified into two types that are active tags and passive tags.

Over the years, RFID technology has been used in various applications. Utilizing RFID in the toll booth management will help in developing an automated toll collection system. It will overcome the drawbacks of manual toll collection systems. It can provide solutions to many issues such as traffic congestion, time consumption, and other related issues.

RFID-based Toll Collection System

At present, most of the toll booths are using traditional toll collection methods, i.e., the manual method. It requires human labor and is very time consuming as it requires drivers to stop at the booth and take the receipt for the payment.

With RFID, the toll collection method will be more efficient and cost-effective. RFID readers can be fixed at the toll booths. They will read the tags attached to the approaching vehicle and toll deduction will take place through the prepaid card assigned to the owner.

RFID-based toll collection system is a convenient system as it is time-effective and hassle-free. This system will make tollgate transaction easy for the public. The tags can be attached to the vehicle’s windscreen, and the payment will be made from the owner’s account. This system is also useful in tracking the vehicles that are exceeding the speed limit.


RFID and Social Media: A New Wave of Brand Promotion

Only a couple of decades back, the only source of information about new brands was hearsay. People used to get brand recommendations for services and products only from their friends, relatives and acquaintances. But now things have changed. Social media has become an ideal platform for effective brand promotion. Nowadays, people are made aware of new as well as other existing brands through Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and other social networks.

With the increased use of technology by market agencies, social media has gained the ability to make everyone an online brand ambassador. People share their experiences with a specific brand and hence they promote it indirectly. Integrating RFID technology in an online brand promotion strategy will help in fostering the effectiveness and efficiency of the promotion strategy.

With RFID technology, it will become easier for the consumers to share their experience in the social network in real time. Companies such as Nissan, Nokia and others have utilized RFID tags to enhance the customer experience. Consumers get RFID-enabled badges (with attached RFID tags) in the exhibition stalls or booths of these companies, before taking part in interactive activities. They have to provide their social media account information, and then they are allotted a unique ID number. Consumers have to pass through various RFID readers located in different stalls for activities. This way they are automatically updating their activities through their social media account.

RFID readers located in specific places along with the RFID tags that are attached to consumers in the form of badges or wristbands will help the consumers share their experience online and promote the brand as well.


5 Reasons: You should stop using Barcode for Asset Tracking

Barcode technology was the backbone of SCM (Supply Chain Management) in the 1980s. For years, the company owners considered it as the only effective solution for asset tracking but they were wrong. With the advancements in asset tracking technology as well as the wireless communication technologies, barcodes started losing their grip. There were many disadvantages associated with barcodes, and technologies such as RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) managed to strike while the iron was hot.

The loopholes in barcode technology were successfully overcome by RFID. However, barcodes are still in use because they are comparatively cheaper than RFID, when it comes to the initial set up cost. The following are the 5 reasons why one should stop using barcodes for asset tracking:


Most of the barcode tags have a 12 digit serial number for identification. They require a barcode scanner to scan the tag. It is a very tedious job to tag each of the assets with these barcode tags and then scanning each of these tags for asset identification. This process takes up a lot of time as well.

Ineffectual Inventory Management

When it comes to managing the inventory using the barcode technology, the job becomes a lot more tedious, and time-consuming compared to personal asset tracking.

Fragile Labels

If a barcode label or tag gets damaged then it becomes impossible for the scanner to read it. Barcode tags are usually printed on paper due to which they have a low-durability.

Costly Procedure

Even though the initial set up cost of barcode is cheaper compared to RFID, it  is still a costly procedure. When this technology is used in the management of a huge inventory for many years, a lot of money is spent on human labor and the installation complicated printers.

Frequent Breakdowns

Similar to a computer system, a barcode scanner can also break down. Barcode scanner breakdown causes delay in tracking procedure. Therefore, expensive, high-quality scanners have to be used.


How will RFID Benefit the Gas Industry?

Gas companies invest a huge amount of capital on gas cylinders as they are still preferred for delivery of industrial gases over pipeline and tankers. The current cylinder tracking system which is being used by most of the companies is very complex. Due to this complexity, gas manufacturing companies lose about one percent of their cylinders every year. With the current outdated tracking system, it is difficult to differentiate between dealer-owned, customer-owned and company-owned cylinders, which is leading to inaccuracy in records. These problems can be overcome by the RFID-enabled cylinder management system. Below is a step-by-step procedure for carrying out RFID cylinder management:

Attaching RFID tags to new Cylinders

Whenever a new cylinder comes from the manufacturer, it is checked for any possible disparity before it is moved to the warehouse. If there are no disparities found, then an RFID tag will be attached to the new cylinder.

Checking the empty Cylinders

The empty cylinders with RFID tags that are received from the clients, are checked manually with the help of the hand-held reader. If the cylinder and its manufacturer is different, then it is returned back to the client.

Refilling the empty Cylinders

Before refilling the empty cylinder, it is tested for the due date. RFID readers that are attached to the filling points read the tag on the cylinder and then refill it.

Final verification and Delivery

The tags that are attached to the cylinders are tracked using the hand-held reader. Finally, the tag information is uploaded on the server, and the cylinders are loaded in the vehicle for delivery to clients.


Ironclad Traceability – Instant Cylinder Tracking

TRAKAID’s Cytrack result is the first business financially feasible answer for the modern gas chamber industry that uses RFID innovation without bounds.

RFID engineering is quickly developing in production network administration. For Industrial gas organizations, RFID engineering can assume a huge part in expanding operational and generation effectiveness, decreasing expenses and enhancing stake security. The following of advantages with the capacity of the RFID labels to withstand brutal natural conditions make the engineering suitable all through the store network.

RFID labels are composed particularly for mechanical gas barrels. With the assistance of RFID engineering, we can get access to precise information that you can get to convenient and settle on educated business choices. Creative utilization of RFID engineering gives exact information catch of chamber development amid receipt, filling, issue, conveyance, and pickup.

It helps in changing business forms that bring about expanded gainfulness from accepting of barrels to their conveyance. Additionally, RFID empowered methodologies locate chambers that are expected for testing or stamped physically harmed at each venture of the procedure. Track and Trace usefulness permits clients to view ongoing and recorded development and investigate related reports.

RFID has consequently ended up being a momentous developing power for benefit and productivity for mechanical gas organizations.

Resource: – TrakAid


The Future of RFID Technologies in Businesses

At the beginning of the Internet era, businesses could see only the raw potential of its functionality. Many wild ideas and theories were proposed, and some of them worked out and many of them crashed. In the end, though, the Internet affected business according to a few common patterns. Business-to-business purchasing, extranets, intranets and email all became part of the Internet-enabled corporate landscape.

RFID Tags in Business

Nobody yet knows what all those patterns will be for RFID technology. The way that real-time awareness amplifies the value of adaptive business networks probably means that it will become a common pattern for highly competitive, consumer-facing industries that have complicated value chains. Preventive maintenance using predictive analytics also seems to be a powerful concept. But many others are waiting to be discovered. The future does indeed look bright for RFID technologies.

Each industry is likely to figure out its patterns, and some vendors will create killer applications and the next Amazon, eBay, or Yahoo will be born as companies learn to leverage the power of RFID. At this stage, the question seems to be how a company can get ready for all this.  RFID experts and proponents are of the opinion that the best way is to ‘know yourself’. The more you understand your business and its operations, the easier it is to implement RFID when the time is right. The stages that most companies pass through as they grapple with the arrival of RFID involves first gaining access to and taking advantage of better information to improve process steps, and, finally, creating entirely new innovative ways of working.


An Evolution of Cylinder Tracking Systems with RFID Technology

A large number of modern gas chambers are conveyed provincially and internationally once a day. The manual following frameworks are monotonous and lapse inclined prompting critical misfortunes to gas barrel suppliers. The chambers empowered with RFID engineering are subsequently a shelter for those administration frameworks endowed with the difficult assignment of keeping up inventories. It is not astounding in such circumstances that the vanguards of RFID barrel following framework far dwarf the advocates of old, incapable manual following frameworks. The quality, constancy and expense adequacy of this engineering holds much guarantee for the not so distant future.

What is the Current Scenario?

Gas organizations supply mechanical gasses to their clients essentially as barrels. There are a huge number of such barrels climbing and down the inventory network consistently. Suppliers have their work remove as they must convey these barrels to the divided base of purchasers crosswise over different divisions and after that additionally guarantee their safe recovery for purposes of refilling. A significant part of the work is carried out physically, and no following engineering is included simultaneously in that capacity. The suppliers need to verify that all chambers conveyed by them are accurately labeled so they are gotten by the right buyer and came back to the right organization.

All through this technique, the supplying organization, as the manager of the chambers, must guarantee that the barrels come back to their plants in fitting condition. Be that as it may, because of the unpredictability of the store network, all gas organizations are certain to lose no less than one percent of their aggregate number of cordial barrels.

What is RFID?

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a historic engineering that utilizes RFID labels to spare information. It works by method for a remote transmitter to peruse the information quickly. A stamp-sized RFID label contains a small chip with information stockpiling limit and a recieving wire which secures its correspondence with the system database.

Appearance of RFID Empowered Cylinders

Barrels which have special RFID labels on them guarantee an ‘uninvolved’ following framework. The estimation of any framework relies on upon its unwavering quality, and when a following framework is not completely computerized its information might be questioned. With RFID empowered chambers, it will be conceivable to guarantee 100% valid information because of least manual impedance. Label perusers positioned in and around the plant destinations will work in pair to recover information from the chambers and record their development over the supply channel.

The stock will be overhauled naturally. Because of the element nature of gas chamber utilization, it is indispensable for any barrel following framework to capacity continuously. Manual inventories and standardized tag frameworks in this manner fizzle coincidentally as both oblige human collaboration. With RFID empowered barrels , the area and the refill status are constantly overhauled on the supplier’s database.

Regardless of every last one of preferences, the gas organization additionally need to consider its ROI. RFID engineering won’t be economical to actualize, however it will altogether diminish the time and labor misused in keeping up a stock of gas barrels. It will undoubtedly guarantee more noteworthy profit over the long haul.


Information Management Consulting Agencies Making Easy to Manage the Company’s Data without Hassle

Amidst controlling complex business operations, regulating titanic data and information changes into a testing commitment. For taught choice making, openness of tried and true information is key. In spite of generously putting and having the right switch set up, distinctive affiliations can’t settle on guided choices in perspective of non-appearance of commendable data.

This is the spot data alliance managing affiliations expect their part. Outsourcing data relationship to these particular business degrees helps affiliations concentrate on center directing and key exercises.

Made Management Support

Impelling organizations offer end-to-end association results, from beginning street mapping and programming plans, to use and database upkeep. They confer to relationship in all times of programming change life cycle with concentrate on giving an one-touch access to all the fundamental data needed for future references.

Having a competent data affiliation urging organizations intrigued by it lets relationship for all targets and reason deal with their whole work skeleton, including programming and supplies structure technique and arrangement, post, mapping fortress alliance, association, structure happens and seeing of databases, bordering getting a charge out of sponsorship in exercises like:

  • True blue request running

  • Content skeleton

  • Annal affiliation

  • Application propel

  • Web setup and ease of use

  • Information examination

  • Records Backup and affiliation

  • Making methods for disappointment recuperation

  • Security

  • 24 x 7 execution checking of livelihoods

Redesigning Business Outcomes

Proprietorship affiliation has changed over into a less request work nowadays. Advanced affiliations keep up virtual private skeletons, obliging in work range operation and upkeep and office operations; utilizing a progressing region and parts seeing.

Staying taught concerning the most recent developments, these work spots change predominating skeletons and approaches to light up strong business issues. Collaboration, help, and streamlining of heading databases won’t fundamentally help in sparing time and exertion, yet will in like way diminishing operational expenses.

A Perfect Backup

A charmingly studied and completed office will give a facilitative system to business process narcotization, showing, connection and administering as showed by your need. A support can cheer in complete secure captivating results – shifting working structure stages, databases, unique programming mechanical social occasions, fortress for advancement, regulating, testing and demo.

Basically, for withdrawing essentials, round-the-clock fortress office for site and database is given. Adjusted information get and point by point reporting will guarantee no key bit of business appreciation is lost. Information stockroom is secured and secure for all times to come.

By then is there any basic fervor driving why a wouldn’t well-set and far-spotted station see kept up workforce overseeing and database benefits that will redesign its execution. Separated from inducing lifted measures of worth and benefit, a persuading data base also backs conviction supporting in times of emergency.

Resource: – TSPLLC


RFID vs Barcode – what does your business need?

Industrial gas companies make a huge investment in cylinders that are used as the main supply method to supply industrial gases to their customers. They spend a substantial amount in cylinder technology in order to deliver gas products to their clients safely and cost efficiently.

Tracking these cylinders becomes important as asset utilization and visibility is very significant during these economically challenging times. Some of the challenges faced by industrial gas companies due to inaccurate tracking methods are increased operation time, loss of productivity, delivery of empty cylinders and difficulty in reading cylinder number. Successful tracking systems employing the latest technology ensures total traceability across the supply chain.

Barcode is the most common method of tagging used today. However in harsh industrial environments, bar codes become unreadable very quickly due to mutilation or being covered with mud or oil. The biggest challenge to bar code use is that bar codes have less security as they can be more easily reproduced or duplicated. This lack of up-to-date data results in the inability to easily locate assets and in the lack of readily available information about an asset’s operational status when it is most needed.

TRAKAID helps in overcoming the handicaps of a bar code by incorporating the latest RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. RFID Tags have a multi-year lifespan. RFID tags can be read at a faster rate & contain high levels of security than barcodes. RFID technology is integrated to eliminate potential data entry errors and automates data acquisition at lower labor cost.

TRAKAID brings more than six years of in-depth experience in selecting, integrating, and implementing end-to-end RFID solution. RFID tags are designed specifically for industrial gas cylinders that provide accurate data capture of cylinder movement during receipt, filling, issue, delivery, and pickup.

Overall, RFID system has many important features and advantages than simple barcoding systems.

Resource: – Trakaid