7 Reasons RFID is the Best Option for Asset Management

All around the world, every enterprise whether big or small, depends on important assets to drive their business wheel in the smoothest manner. The various sectors of the industry can only function hassle-free when there is availability and uptime of equipment, vehicles, tankers, networking devices, infrastructure and various other assets. Only then, the companies can fulfill production goals, deliver services on the right time, manage transactions and maintain customer’s data security. The unique yet common needs of these organizations insist on adopting high technology solutions for successful management.

Two things that are important to understand are – one, depending much on manual work leads to errors and increased operation time; two, there is no point spending a lot of money on manpower. This is because, in today’s world, processes and most of the functions can be automated, which are error-free, less expensive and speed focused.

RFID can help organizations automatically track and secure the assets with minimal human intervention. RFID technology is a real-time technology, which elevates asset management to the next level, offering unparalleled accuracy, clear visibility and 100% security. The owners and managers of the companies can keep track of their business assets as they move in and out of a location. With this, they can also keep a check on the right time of upgrades, updates, repairs, new additions, service deliveries and so on.

Here are 7 reasons why RFID is the best option for asset management:

High Performance: What if your assets do not perform well when they are required to do so? Will you be able to access data on-time for assets be they anywhere? No? RFID based asset management services offer company’s responsible personnel with the best tools that enable them to be certain about the asset performance, monitor them for ensuring their quality and give them access like never before. These tools allow staff members to set the correct schedule for an asset so that it functions appropriately at the right time.

Regular Compliance: Assets need inspection and maintenance from time-to-time. Do the tools that your company possesses permit you to perform regular audits for your asset maintenance? RFID asset management solutions offer real-time access to the right information so that you have the time and opportunity to resolve errors before they start to decrease the health of your assets drastically.

Protect Integrity: The system demands physical presence to scan all the assets. So, centralized data storage, on-site data capture and transmission and web-based asset management show defined actions for an asset at a given time. In this way, the integrity of your assets remains protected.

Time Efficiency: Manual data reading, writing and uploading, reporting, reviewing and recovery of records can burden expert staff with pointless paperwork, and hinder real-time visibility, particularly when resources (assets) are spread over numerous locales. Automated asset management systems perform these operations automatically to save valuable time to conduct other critical tasks.

Cost reduction: Asset management using RFID can minimize manpower expenses associated with inventory management. Moreover, operational costs are reduced as your company always has the knowledge of the precise status of your resources. With RFID asset management software, the location of your assets is determined in less money and inaccurate error-prone manual procedures are eliminated.

Complete Security: Like we mentioned above, wherever and whenever the assets move in and out they are tracked through RFID-based asset tracking system. How does this happen? There are RFID tags to identify assets for an asset management system. These assets are a big investment, and their loss is a big one. Hence, RFID and sensor-enabled asset management solution offers your business a complete security of your assets by keeping them intact and makes you stop looking for lost and misplaced assets.

Informed Reports: Asset management and reporting software enable faster and more accurate resource-level reporting whether your company is looking for a single asset, auditing assets or conducting a regular inventory. The capital equipment is more precisely and accurately reported. RFID asset management solution provides built-in intelligence capabilities and tools to generate customized reports of the location of assets, usage, history of the movement and much more.

TSP LLC integrates its time-proven experience in developing web based, transaction-based solutions and services with RFID and mobile technologies. This combination of technologies provides even greater cost and time efficiency to our customers by providing automatic data capture and detailed reporting; assisting ineffective asset management.